Silu Gharana

All The World's a Stage...


  • Name: Silu(See-LOO) Gharana(Gurr-Nuh)

  • Gender: Male

  • Age/DOB: 25 - 24th Sun/6th Astral Moon

  • Race - Clan: Au Ra, Raen

  • Nationality - Northern Thavnairian

  • Occupation: War Dancer, Adventurer, occasional performer

  • Religion: The Magus Sisters, Thavnairian Divinities


From top to bottom, Silu sports pit black hair cut short at the back and left side with three braids on the right and a fauxhawk atop, preferring to keep his hair out of his face for the most part. that frame his face. Light brown eyes that sit on a smaller, straight nose and thin lips all sitting between gold-hued horns that match the scales adorning his body.A man on the smaller side average height for his race and gender, and a build that is rather sturdy but lean. His skin being the color of dark, earthy stone and a thin, long tail to complete the look.As with many Thavnairians, the man enjoys a subtle bit of perfume, a special favorite being one of mint and citrus.


Silu is confident in the most awkward way. While being of Thavnair's warrior caste, he is as light in his demeanor as he is on the dance floor and embraces his goofy, clumsy actions. He himself is not a man of vices, unless that vice is dancing or fruit, then he will gladly partake, though this often means he is the chaperone for his more adventurous friends.Despite his reverence of the Magus Sisters and Thavnairian divinities, he is not overly spiritual and finds himself situated squarely in the mortal realms for the most part and finds the legends and stories of foreign deities to be interesting.

Brief History

The Gharana are a family whose roots lie in the warrior caste of Thavnair and while not a prodigious family they have produced their fair share of Radiant Host captains.Silun and his twin brother Sumit were of a pair, but had a budding rivalry, eventually finishing into adulthood when Sumit became a Captain of the Radiant Host. Silu should have become his second, but he was beat out by their younger sister Indu for such as well.With no other recourse, he became a normal member of their unit, serving for three years out of familial and national obligation before quietly leaving to live life (productively for the most part) how he pleased.His father was accepting, but his mother argued with him for nigh a week before relenting. And so, Silu traveled Thavnair and it's surrounding islands alone, bringing his homeland's traditional discipline to bear in both war and performance for the next two years, after.It was not until the events of Vanaspati that he returned, only to be told his brother had been lost to the beasts. Many expected him to take up his brother's mantle, but the man refused, letting the position of head fall to his sister, instead in a shocking turn of events. Where he went afterwards is a mystery, though a man matching his description seems to have been spotted at Svarna in recent times.


  • Dancer - Straightforward. Silun is a wielder of Thavnair's traditional discipline. If you are looking for a teacher, however, this is absolutely the wrong man.

  • Radiant - A former member of the Radiant host, the man might be recognizable after his two-year sojourn by current and former members.

  • Son of Thavnair - Any natives Thavnairians outside of Thavnair might mark his distinctive accent or name. Or even remember him from a performance in the homeland within the last two to five years.

  • Adventurer - In the wake of the Arkasodara's new business venture in Thavnair he has taken up the mantle of Adventurer at home and abroad.


Hullo, if you have made it to this section, I'm simply going over some things that will be important to you, should you wish to RP with me in the future.I am over the age of 21 and expect my partners to be so as well.I am an RPer on the Mateus server that sits in the NA Datacenter. While things have relatively gone back to normal and I generally work at least 3 times a week at minimum. The times I am available vary wildly depending on the schedule for the week but on off days I am generally available for RP at any point from about 9AM-12 PM(PST).I am open to pretty much any form of RP, though more mature topics require discussions beforehand. Plot-lines, things like that I am also open to if you have ideas that you wish to share I will listen/lend my brain.And, more than anything, please be aware that I am owed none of your time and you are owed none of mine. Real life should always come first and I will not beg you for your attentions nor should you beg me for mine. If you wish to RP then we can and we will when possible, but always remember that "no" and all similar words are not taboo. We are here to have fun more than anything.